About Distance B.E/Btech in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering is one of the most sought-after four-year undergraduate degree programs in engineering. Mechanism research is the correct definition of Mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is the study, design, development, research, construction, and testing of all machines, including tools, engines, and other mechanical devices. Applications of mechanical engineering in B.Tech technology programs range from physics and math to material science and design. Students can learn about various aspects of machines, cars, automation, etc. that help them in their quest to get knowledge for the future. B.Tech Mechanical engineering may provide students with fundamental knowledge of dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, production methods, structural analysis, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, etc. A student learns about a variety of tools, including Solid Works, Catia, Creo, Hyper Mesh, Ansys, etc. In the current environment, technology is being integrated with the greatest technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Automation, Electrical Vehicles, etc., creating it a more advanced engineering and optical sector. There are several UGC-AICTE approved universities in India offering B. Tech Mechanical Engineering through Distance Education/ Correspondence mode/ Part-Time mode/ Online mode.

Mechanical engineering is the oldest engineering discipline. It emerged as a field of study in the 18th century, during Europe's industrial revolution. The Thomson College of Engineering, which was founded in the 1860s as IIT Roorkee , is credited with establishing engineering in India.

Who Should Pursue Distance B.E/B.tech in Mechanical Engineering

For those who fit certain criteria and have particular objectives, the distance BTech in Mechanical Engineering program can be a great choice. People who might be interested in pursuing a distant BTech in mechanical engineering include the following:

Professionals in the workforce

For people who are currently employed or have other obligations, distance education offers flexibility. By studying a BTech in Mechanical Engineering online, individuals who are already employed can keep their position while enhancing their abilities and credentials.

Aspiring engineers with experience

If you have expertise in mechanical engineering or similar fields but don't have a formal degree, a distance BTech program may be a good option for you to complete the essential academic requirements.

Non-traditional students

Some people may be unable to attend regularly scheduled on-campus classes due to personal obligations, geographic restrictions, or medical issues. Such non-traditional students can earn a degree through distance learning at their own leisure.

Career advancement

Those with a diploma or an associate's degree in mechanical engineering who are currently employed may be able to further their careers by earning a BTech.

Lifelong learners

A remote BTech program can offer a structured curriculum and access to high-quality learning resources for lifelong learners who have a love for mechanical engineering and want to further their expertise in the discipline.

It's crucial to remember that while remote education gives flexibility, finishing the courses and fulfilling the program's criteria takes a lot of self-control and dedication.

Is B.Tech Through Distance Education Valid?

This is a question concerning, almost, every individual who wants to pursue B. Tech through distance education. To be very clear regarding this matter “Distance B. Tech is not valid”. MHRD & Joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC issued notices dated 29-07-2009 and 13-08-2009 respectively, declaring Distance B. Tech invalid. Although AICTE has come up with an alternative solution i.e., delivering Regular B. Tech through Work-integrated learning programs/ part-time mode/ online mode. There are many UGC-AICTE approved universities in India offering alternatives for B. TECH DISTANCE EDUCATION courses.

University Approvals To Check Before Pursuing B.Tech Distance Education

Anytime, Anywhere

University Grants commission
All India Council for Technical Education
Association of Indian Universities

Are You Eligible?

Are You Eligible


Students in B.Tech Mechanical Engineering must ensure that they meet the course eligibility requirements in order to get admitted to the institution of their choosing. The students must have completed their 10+2 requirements with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) as a requirement. For consideration for admission to a B.Tech in technology program, students must have obtained a minimum combined score of 45 to 50% on their board exams after which they must pass one of the national or state level entrance tests. The age requirement for the program is seventeen years.

Direct entry to the second year of B.Tech Distance Education Program (Third Semester)

Students who have successfully completed a three year polytechnic diploma course from any state technical board or equivalent after completing their 10th standard can apply for direct entry to the second year of B.Tech Distance Education Program. Students who have completed 3 years of B.Sc. in any Stream having Mathematics as their major subject are also eligible to take admission directly to the third semester of B.Tech Distance Education Program.

Fees for B. Tech Distance Education

50K – 60K Per Year (As fees varies according to universities)

Assessment & Examination

  • Internal assessment will be conducted based on assignments and they will have a weightage of 25%
  • Examination will be conducted at the end of every term and they will have a weightage of 75%
  • Each examination paper will be of 100 marks
  • 40% is the Minimum passing criteria [In Internal Assessment + Term End Examination]
Semester III
S. No. Subject Code
ES-220 T Material Science
ME-221 T Strength of Materials
ME-222 T Theory of Machines & Mechanisms
ME-223 T Thermodynamics
ME-224 T Manufacturing Proces
HU-220 T Communication Skills
HU-221P Idea Generation
HU-222 P Learning Through Experts
ME-221 P Strength of Materials
ME-222 P Theory of Machines & Mechanisms
ME-224 P Manufacturing Process
HU-220 P Communication Skills
Semester IV
S. No. Subject Code
ME-225T Fluid Mechanics
ME-226T Machine Drawing &CAD
ME-227T Energy Conversion
ME-228T Machine Design-I
MA-220T Mathematics-III
ES-221T System Engineering
ME-228T Computer Programming
ME-225P Fluid Mechanics
ME-226P Machine Drawing &CAD
ME-227 Energy Conversion
ME-228P Computer Programming
EX-604 Power System - II
EX-606P Minor Project
EX-607P Soft Skill-II(Internal Assessment)
EX-608P Seminar / Group Discussion (Internal Assessment)
Semester V
S. No. Subject Code
cvME-501T Entrepreneurship and Management Concepts
ME502 T Turbo Machinery
ME-503 Mechanical Measurement & control
ME-504T Machine component & design
ME-505T Dynamics of machine
ME-503P Mechanical Measurement & control
ME-504P Machine component & design
ME-505P Dynamics of machine
ME-507 Soft skill-I
ME-508 Seminar/Group Discussion (internal assessment)
Semester VI
S. No. Subject Code
ME-601T Operation Management
ME-602T Power Plant Engineering
ME-603T Metal Cutting & CNC Machine
ME-604T Internal Combustion Engine
ME-605T Heat and Mass Transfer
HU-223 NSS/NCC *
ME-603P Metal Cutting & CNC Machine
ME-604P Internal Combustion Engine
ME-605P Heat and Mass Transfer
ME-606 P Computer Aided Engineering 1
ME-607 Soft Skill –II
ME-608 Seminar / Group Discussion (Internal Assessment)
Semester VII
S. No. Subject Code
ME-701T Elective - I
ME-702T Renewable Energy System
ME-703T Mechanical Vibration & Noise Engineering
ME-704T Operation Research & Supply Chain
ME-705T Automobile Engineering
HU-224 P Yoga
ME-703P Mechanical Vibration & Noise Engineering
ME-704P Operation Research & Chain Supply
ME-705P Automobile Engineering
ME-706 Minor Project
ME-707 Industrial Training ( 4 Week)
Semester VIII
S. No. Subject Code
ME-801T Elective -II
ME-802T Machine Design
ME-803T Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
ME-802P Machine design
ME-803P Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
ME-806P RDBMS ( Access/ Oracle)
ME-807 Major Project
ME-808 Seminar /Group Discussion
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Mechanical Engineer Manufacturing Engineer Quality Assurance/Quality Control Engineer CAD/CAM Engineer HVAC Engineer Aerospace Engineer
Automotive Engineer Renewable Energy Engineer Robotics Engineer Maintenance Engineer Project Engineer Research and Development Engineer
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Manufacturing Industry Automotive Industry Aerospace Industry Energy Sector Construction Industry Defense and Security
Robotics and Automation Research and Development Oil and Gas Industry Consulting and Engineering Services Environmental Engineering Academia and Teaching
The Path to an Engineering Polytechnic or Diploma

Engineering has been a key driver of invention and technical growth in the large field of higher education.

Which University Is Best For Part-Time B.Tech In India

The rapid progression in technology and the need for proficient engineers have made obtaining a B.Tech degree

Is Distance Education A Good Option

This mode of education has gained popularity in recent years due to its flexibility and accessibility.

List of Distance Engineering Colleges in India 2023:

Distance engineering courses have become increasingly popular in recent years
