About Distance B.E/btech in Computer Science Engineering

Distance B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering is an undergraduate degree which lasts for four years and is broken up into eight semesters. This course is open to students who want to be flexible with their schedule as well as candidates with an interest in technology and engineering.

Distance Degree in Computer Science Engineering entails studying computing, programming languages, program design, computer hardware, computer software, and other topics. Distance-learning B.Tech. in Computer Science Engineering is meant to equip young minds with the ability to create integrated computer systems and the problem-solving abilities necessary to handle any hardware or software-related issues, as well as to position them to meet the IT industry's growing demand for workers.

Who Should Pursue Distance B.E/B.tech in Computer Science Engineering

Those who fit certain requirements and have special preferences may find that a distance B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering is a good fit. A distance B.E./B.Tech in computer science engineering may be an option for the following sorts of students:

Professionals in the Workforce

Distance learning enables those who are already employed in the technology sector to advance their knowledge and abilities without quitting their positions. Professionals who desire to develop their professions or specialize in a particular area of computer science engineering will find this to be especially helpful.

Aspiring Engineers with Time Restraints

For students with personal or professional obligations that prevent them from attending regular on-campus classes, distance learning offers flexibility and convenience.

Non-Traditional Students

Those who still have a desire for computer science and engineering but were unable to pursue a traditional B.E./B.Tech right out of high school can choose to continue their academic goals through remote learning.

Geographically Remote Students

Geographically isolated students are those who don't have easy access to institutions of higher learning that offer computer science and engineering.

People Seeking Career Change

For those looking to switch from one sector to another and pursue a career in computer science engineering, distance learning can be a useful tool for obtaining the essential credentials while juggling other obligations.

Cost-Conscious Students

Students on a budget will find distance education programs to be sometimes more affordable than conventional on-campus ones, making them a desirable option.

Is B.Tech Through Distance Education Valid?

This is a question concerning, almost, every individual who wants to pursue B. Tech through distance education. To be very clear regarding this matter “Distance B. Tech is not valid”. MHRD & Joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC issued notices dated 29-07-2009 and 13-08-2009 respectively, declaring Distance B. Tech invalid. Although AICTE has come up with an alternative solution i.e., delivering Regular B. Tech through Work-integrated learning programs/ part-time mode/ online mode. There are many UGC-AICTE approved universities in India offering alternatives for B. TECH DISTANCE EDUCATION courses.nline mode. There are many UGC-AICTE approved universities in India offering alternatives for B. TECH DISTANCE EDUCATION courses.

University Approvals To Check Before Pursuing B.Tech Distance Education

Anytime, Anywhere

University Grants commission
All India Council for Technical Education
Association of Indian Universities

Are You Eligible?

Are You Eligible


Candidates must have received their 10+2 diploma from a recognized board and must have at least a 50% overall grade in physics, chemistry, and mathematics

Direct entry to the second year of B.Tech Distance Education Program (Third Semester)

Students who have successfully completed a three year polytechnic diploma course from any state technical board or equivalent after completing their 10th standard can apply for direct entry to the second year of B.Tech Distance Education Program. Students who have completed 3 years of B.Sc. in any Stream having Mathematics as their major subject are also eligible to take admission directly to the third semester of B.Tech Distance Education Program.

Fees for B. Tech Distance Education

50K – 60K Per Year (As fees varies according to universities)

Assessment & Examination

  • Internal assessment will be conducted based on assignments and they will have a weightage of 25%
  • Examination will be conducted at the end of every term and they will have a weightage of 75%
  • Each examination paper will be of 100 marks
  • 40% is the Minimum passing criteria [In Internal Assessment + Term End Examination]
Semester III
S. No. Subject Code
MA220T Mathematics - III
CS221T Electronic Devices & Circuits
CS221P Electronic Devices & Circuits
CS222T Digital Circuit & Design
CS222P Digital Circuit & Design
CS223T Data Structures-II
CS223P Data Structures-II
CS224T Discrete Structures
HU220T Communication Skills
HU220P Communication Skills
HU221 Idea Generation*
HU222 Learning Through Experts*
Semester IV
S. No. Subject Code
CS225T Computer System Organization
CS225P Computer System Organization
CS226T Analog & Digital communication
CS226P Analog & Digital communication
CS227T Theory of computation
CS228T Analysis & Design of algorithm
CS228P Analysis & Design of algorithm
ES220T Material Science
ES221T System Engineering
HU223P Programming System (any one) (a)Java (b) Dot Net Technology (c) MATLAB
Semester V & VI
S. No. Subject Code
CS - 501 T Data Communication
CS - 502 T Operating System
CS - 503 T Data Base Management System
CS - 504 T Computer Graphics & Multimedia
CS - 505 T Theory of Computation
CS - 506 T Computer Programming V ( Unix / Linux Lab )
CS - 507 Soft Skills -I ( Internal Assessment )
CS - 508 Seminar / Group Discussion ( Internal Assessment )
HU -223P NSS / NCC *
CS - 601 T Micro Processor and Interfacing
CS - 602 T PPL
CS - 603 T Software Engineering & Project managements
CS - 604 T Computer Netwroking
CS - 605 T Advance Computer Architecture ( ACA )
CS - 605 T Advance Computer Architecture ( ACA )
CS - 606 P Minor Project - I
CS - 607 Soft Skills -II ( Internal Assessment )
CS - 608 Seminar / Group Discusssion ( Internal Assessment )
Semester VII & VIII
S. No. Subject Code
CS - 701T Compiler Design
CS - 702T Distributed System
CS - 703T Cloud Computing
CS - 704T Information Storage & Management
CS - 710-1 N/W & Web Security
CS - 710-2 Simulation & Modelling
CS - 705P Industrial Training ( 2 Week )
CS - 706P Major Project
HU -224 P Yoga*
CS - 801T Soft Computing
CS - 802T Web Engineering
CS - 8201T N/W Management
CS - 8202T Cyber Security
CS - 8203T Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
CS - 8301T Bioinformatics
CS - 8302T Digital Image Processing
CS - 8303T Wireless Network Web & Ontologies
CS - 805P Major Project
CS -806 Self Study
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Software Engineer/Software Developer Systems Engineer Network Engineer Database Administrator (DBA) Cybersecurity Analyst/Engineer Machine Learning Engineer
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer Web Developer Mobile App Developer Embedded Systems Engineer Game Developer Cloud Solutions Architect
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Software Engineer/Developer Systems Analyst Network Engineer Database Administrator Cybersecurity Analyst/Engineer Cloud Solutions Architect
Mobile App Developer Game Developer Data Scientist Machine Learning Engineer Artificial Intelligence (AI) Researcher DevOps Engineer
The Path to an Engineering Polytechnic or Diploma

Engineering has been a key driver of invention and technical growth in the large field of higher education.

Which University Is Best For Part-Time B.Tech In India

The rapid progression in technology and the need for proficient engineers have made obtaining a B.Tech degree

Is Distance Education A Good Option

This mode of education has gained popularity in recent years due to its flexibility and accessibility.

List of Distance Engineering Colleges in India 2023:

Distance engineering courses have become increasingly popular in recent years
